Social Activities Integration –SAI is a non-profit organization that strives to prevent the spread of HIV /AIDS & Cancer & also bring relief to AIDS & Cancer Patients who need support and care. It was established in 1991 & registered in 1999 by Mr. Vinay Vasta, the founder & Secretary General. Apart from medical care, we also try to secure the financial future of the affected and infected via vocational training and boosting their confidence to fight such deadly diseases, something that we are very proud of.
- Health Awareness and Diseases Prevention Programs
- Medical care ,Financial assistance, Nutritional and psychosocial support for underprivileged sex works, HIV/AIDS and cancer patients
- School Support program for children of sex workers and children of HIV/AIDS infected people and cancer affected children
- “Apni Duniya Project” for cancer/aids patients, orphans, destitute women, and old aged people in 8.5 acre of land of SAI in Thane District The proposed shelters, hospice, vocational training center to make self dependent to destitute people.

About the Founder
Mr. Vinay Vasta.
Founder & Secretary General of Social Activities Integration (SAI).
After completion of graduation, Mr.Vinay Vasta left his small village “Waingani” Situated in Malvan dist. SINDHDURGHA MAHARASHTRA in 1991 & came to Mumbai in search of a job. In Mumbai he started his first job by joining Indian Health organization as a social worker to create HIV/AIDS awareness among commercial sex workers. He noticed that in Mumbai city hundreds of workers who are migrants staying away from their families and in order to overcome the loneliness would visit sex workers for sexual pleasure. Due to multiple sexual partners there were under high risk of becoming the victims of HIV/AIDS Disease.
In early days there was lack of awareness among the masses about HIV/AIDS and there was no treatment available. Hence creating awareness was the only way to prevent HIV/AIDS spread. Mr.Vinay Vasta started HIV/AIDS awareness program through various mediums. He selected artist from home town and trained them to perform street plays ,He prepare posters , puppet shows arranged group meeting at Mumbai’s railways stations ,bus stand ,red-light areas , slum areas of Mumbai.
The red light area in Mumbai is biggest CSW area in India and it includes kamthipura,FarasRoad,Batatachawl, Dudhwalachawl, Falkland Road, ,Jamuna Mansion, Pawwala street , Gaiwadi,Congress House (Kennedy bridge),shivadi, and Worli area in south Mumbai .
In red light area, Mr. VinayVasta worked tirelessly to help hundred of CSW’s and save them from HIV/AIDS. Thus helping nation to come out of this disease. He with full confidence and faith brought a small rental place in red light area to create awareness of HIV/AIDS by introducing innovative methods and ideas. He has given school admission to hundreds of children of sex workers amongst some of them became self independent.
The organizations main aim was to bring behavioural changes and prevent them from HIV/AIDS by free condoms distribution to CSW.
There was need of lot of work to be done and to continue the work Mr.VinayVasta decided to form an NGO and thus “SOCIAL ACTIVITIES INTEGRATION (SAI)” was formed in 1991 and registered in 1999.
Cancer is one of the worlds most dreaded diseases and claims numerous lives year after year . Social Activities Integration -SAI has also begun its journey to serve patients suffering from cancer.After 22 years of servicing AIDS affected and infected patients by providing care and cure and also ensuring preventive measures are being taken to stop further spread of the disease, SAI has taken up yet another challenging initiative – Assisting cancer affected patients. A non profit organization that believes in service to humanity and mankind. SAI has expertise in volunteering ,governance, fundraising and spreading awareness and prevention as well as providing care and assistance to those affected by AIDS and Cancer.
Historical Moments
1) “Prix Italia Award-2000” winning documentary film named by John Webster-Finland “The Rooms of Shadow and Light on SAI’s dedication for poor sex workers”. The French, Spanish photographer Mr. Nicolas Lainez also conveyed our work to Solidartie Sida-France in 2000.
The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai has allotted 3 rooms to SAI in Byculla West Municipal School Building in Mumbai for office purpose in nominal rent.
By inviting SAI since 2002 from Solidarite Sida –France for biggest fund raising event in Europe to help HIV/AIDS programs.
Solidarite Sida and Coalition for Environment & Development and FINNIDA- Finland supported “DIDI Project” in 2002
Solidarite Sida, Sidaction –France & CED-Finland donated Two Mobile Clinics started for service of poor sex workers and their children on March 2003 and April 2004 respectively.
Solidarite Sida supported Drop In Center for Poor People Living with HIV/AIDS in -2003.
Family Health International (FHI) & Family Planning Association of India supported “AASTHA Project” in September-2004 for STI &HIV Prevention of street based sex workers in Mumbai.
Marc foundation supported Antiretroviral Treatment for People Living with HIV/AIDS in SAI-DIC in May-2005
Solidarite Sida supported Antiretroviral Treatment for Sex workers Living With HIV/AIDS in May-2005.
MDACS supported “Prevention of Parents to Child Transmission Project” in January 2006. And since 2010 IL&FS ltd.
AMMADA Trust supported ” Apana Pariwar (Our Family)” Project to school support for the children of Poor People Living with HIV/AIDS in March-2006.
Clinton Foundation & Sevadham Trust supported “Pediatric AIDS Initiative program”- 2007.
Lions Club of International- 2007-08 ‘ Appreciation award”
Lions Club of International- 2007-08 ‘ Appreciation award”
Inter AID & Mumbai District Tuberculosis Control society supported “DOTS Project” in 2008.
Inter AID & Mumbai District Tuberculosis Control society supported “DOTS Project” in 2008.
Community based organizations of Sex workers & PLHIV established and registered in 2008.
Zonta club of International Appreciation Award- 2008
Sidaction supported “Sanman- Honor/Respect” project for MSM & transgender in 2009.
Sidaction, Soldarite Sida, Marc & Foudation de France supported to acquire 8.5 acres land for the dream project for destitute infected & affected with HIV/AIDS in Thane district in 2009.
Charity Clinic started at Bhivandi for migrant workers in 2009.
The Rajasthan AIDS Control Society invited our peer Sex workers & staff as faculty for a state level conference of peer educator.
Mission Education – free tuitions started for the children of sex workers in 2010.
MDACS supported integrated counseling & testing center in 2010
KHPT & National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) supported Community Care Centre at Thane District for poor PLWHA-2010.
National AIDS Control organization (NACO) supported Community Care Centre (hospice) in Thane district in 2010.
Manshakti organization- ” Sanman Satkrutyacha award- honor of well-done award. -2010
AVERT Society & Government of Maharashtra supported Mobile ICTC & STI clinic for Thane district in 2011.
MDACS adopted Suraksha project of sex workers in 2012.
Family Health International-FHI- Successful Partner Appreciation Award 2012
Family Planning Association of India- FPAI- Successful Partner Appreciation Award 2012.
Received permission from Collector’s Office, Thane for N.A (Non Agricultural Land), towards Apni Dunia Project at Kuhe Gaon, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra on dt.10th October 13.