Who are We?

Social Activities Integration (SAI) is a non-profit organization that strives to prevent the spread of HIV /AIDS & Cancer & also bring relief to AIDS & Cancer Patients who need support and care. Also providing education

Our Partners

Our Projects

Apani Duniya – A Village for Orphans & destitute Women
Apani Duniya – A Village for Orphans & destitute Women
November 18, 2017

We have purchased a land consisting of 13.5 acres

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AIDS Project
AIDS Project
November 18, 2017

2.10 million people & more suffer from HIV in

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Cancer Aid Cell
Cancer Aid Cell
January 1, 2003

SAI  has  since  2013   taken  additional 

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Since 1991 we are providing health care services to the Poor & neglected Sex Workers, Poor People Living with HIV & their Children for the Prevention & Treatment, enlightening about human & legal rights to fight against injustice. Vocational training has brought radical change in their life given up the prostitution.

The education to the children of sex workers & marginalized people has transformed the life pattern of them. Because of education child prostitution, human trafficking has been stopped & the children of marginalized people have secured better education, employment, personality development & joined the mainstream of the society. Their future will be brighter & they will live happily with their single mothers & poor parents. Education will make them responsible citizen of the country & they will perform the work of nation building. Hence there is absolute need of funding support from your good selves.

Since 2013 we have helped 160 Poor Children infected by Cancer for their treatment & now living happy life. By knowing our help to the poor Kid Cancer Patients many other such cases are approaching to us for the financial help for their treatment. Deserving cases are considered by us.

We also provide help care services for the prevention & treatment of Hepatitis B for poor Patients.

Apani Duniya- We have proposed a unique project viz. Apani Duniya at Kuhe, Bhiwandi wherein we have purchased 13.5 acres of land & proposed to construct Shelters for Orphans, destitute Women, educational, hospice center, vocational Center. In view of above we earnestly request you to please donate your mite for the noble cause.