
Baby Shreya Deepak Lende aged 3 years from Thane, Maharashtra, has been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastec Lymphoma as per the tests done and the doctors of the hospital. Her Father Sri Deepak Anand Lende is common man whose annual income is 46,000.00 only. There are five members in her family including her. The complete family is in distress of this deadly disease. The approximate cost of the treatment is Rs 5.0 Lac. Her father approached us and her treatment has been started with our initial help in a hospital in Mumbai. The support from Donors like you, can save her life otherwise her death is imminent. We Social Activities Integration (SAI) kindly request you to please come ahead and help this patient with your kind support to bring happiness on the face of Baby Shreya and her family and lead her to live a normal life.


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