Master ISHAN AMOL KAKAD Aged 3 years & 4 months Residing At St. Jude Child Care Centre, Sewree Mumbai. Native Place- NASHIK (Maharashtra) ) is suffering from
DMG PAED HEM �LYMPH a cancer disease. The child is under treatment of TATA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, Parel Mumbai. The cost of treatment will be Rs. 200000/-
(Rs. Two Lakhs only). His family’s Total annual income is Rs.60000/- (Rs. Sixty Thousand only).
In his family there are 3 members. His parents’ income is very meager so they find it very difficult to bear the cost of this treatment hence approached us for the Monetary support for the same.
Considering their case as genuine we have extended financial help to him for the treatment as the same was absolutely necessary to save his life. We sincerely request to all of you to be generous and extend your financial support to save the life of this tender aged kid and bestow your patronage to him
and his family to bring back their happy days.


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